
Wednesday 15 June

10:30 Opening of FMA 2016
11:00 Words of welcome from DIT
11:30 Keynote speech: Computational pattern search in folk music: challenges and opportunities, Anja Volk

Anja Volk Anja Volk's research is dedicated to integrate humanities research and computational methods into a comprehensive approach to the study of music. She holds master degrees in musicology and mathematics and received her PhD in computational musicology from Humboldt University of Berlin. The results of her research have contributed to areas such as computational musicology, music information retrieval, digital cultural heritage, music cognition, and mathematical music theory. After two post-doc periods at the University of Southern California and Utrecht University, she has been awarded a prestigious VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research in 2010, which allowed her to start her own research group at Utrecht University. Her current project 'Modelling musical similarity over time through the variation principle' (MUSIVA) investigates music similarity in an interdisciplinary manner comprising Music Information Retrieval, Musicology and Cognitive Science. She has served as a board member of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, and is currently a board member of the International Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, and of the Lorentz Center, International Center for Scientific Workshops in Leiden.

12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Talk session 1, chaired by Peter van Kranenburg
  • A revaluation of learning practices in Indian classical music using technological tools, Julien Debove, Dorian Cazau, Olivier Adam
  • Detection of melodic patterns in automatic transcriptions of flamenco singing, Aggelos Pikrakis, Nadine Kroher, José Miguel Díaz-Báñez
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Talk session 2: Focus on Irish music, chaired by Bryan Duggan
  • Publishing the James Goodman Irish music manuscript collection: how modern technology facilitated the editors' task, Lisa Shields
  • Constructing proximity graphs to explore similarities in large-scale melodic datasets, Chris Walshaw
  • Note, cut and strike detection for traditional Irish flute recordings, Islah Ali-MacLachlan, Maciej Tomczak, Jason Hockman, Carl Southall
17:30 Concert of Irish traditional music by DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama
20:00 Social event: workshop dinner

Thursday 16 June

9:30 Opening of the day
10:00 Keynote speech: Tuning the radio, Peter Browne
11:00 Talk session 3, chaired by Anja Volk
  • Formalising vocal production cross-culturally, Polina Proutskova, Christophe Rhodes, Tim Crawford, Geraint Wiggins
  • A structure analysis method for Ottoman-Turkish Makam music scores, Sertan Şentürk, Xavier Serra
12:00 Short presentation of the posters
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Talk session 4: Focus on instruments, chaired by Pierre Beauguitte
  • After the Harmonie Universelle by Marin Mersenne (1636), what fingering for the chabrette in 2016?, Philippe Randonneix
  • NEOMI: a new environment for the organization of musical instruments, Carolien Hulshof, Xavier Siebert, Hadrien Mélot
15:00 Poster session
  • Closed patterns in folk music and other genres, Iris Ren
  • A graph-theoretical approach to the harmonic analysis of Georgian vocal polyphonic music, Frank Scherbaum, Simha Arom, Frank Kane
  • Towards flamenco style recognition: the challenge of modelling the aficionado, Nadine Kroher, José-Miguel Díaz-Báñez
  • A search through time: connecting live playing to archive recordings of traditional music, Bryan Duggan, Jianghan Xu, Lise Denbrok, Breandan Knowlton
  • Human pattern recognition in data sonification, Charlie Cullen
  • A pattern mining approach to study a collection of Dutch folk songs, Peter van Kranenburg, Darrell Conklin
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Talk session 5: Focus on Georgian music, chaired by Dorian Cazau
  • Regarding the Georgian Traditional Music System, Malkhaz Erkvanidze
  • On the benefit of larynx-microphone field recordings for the documentation and analysis of polyphonic vocal music, Frank Scherbaum
17:30 Choir performance by the Zurmukhti Georgian Ensemble
21:00 Social event: Irish traditional music session at M Hughes

Friday 17 June

10:00 Opening of the day
10:30 Talk session 6: Focus on singing, chaired by Aggelos Pikrakis
  • Automatic alignment of long syllables in acapella Beijing opera, Georgi Dzhambazov, Yile Yang, Rafael Caro Repetto, Xavier Serra
  • Analysis of Tahreer in traditional Iranian singing, Parham Bahadoran
  • Segmentation of folk songs with a probabilistic model, Ciril Bohak, Matija Marolt
12:00 Closing words. Announcement of the winner of the best paper prize.
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